Jason Jennings is an authority on leadership, growth and innovation. He explains how extraordinary companies pursue radical continuous change from his book The Reinventors.

David McAlvany forecasts what may happen to the Greek and world economies if Greece drops out of the Eurozone and returns to the Greek Drachma as its currency.

Cynthia Montgomery offers a radically new perspective on any leader’s most vital role—strategy. She defines organizational greatness in terms of a Great Leader fused with a Great Strategy. We discuss how to be the leader your organization needs from her book The Strategist.

Navi Radjou is an internationally recognized voice of business innovation and leadership. He explains how to think frugal, be flexible and generate breakthrough business growth from his latest book Jugaad Innovation.

Michael Casey believes our global financial system is broken and is destroying the Middle Class. We discuss his findings contained in his book The Unfair Trade.

Ed Summers is the CEO of the Ventura Chamber of Commerce. We discuss doing business in Ventura and how businesspeople can take advantage of what that organization has to offer.