Roger Martin is a business consultant and business school Dean. He’s looked at modern business and the National Football League and come to some surprising conclusions. We discuss what business leaders could learn from the NFL from his book Fixing the Game: Bubbles, Crashes and What Capitalism Can Learn from the NFL.

Kerrie Holley is an IBM Fellow and the inventor of the magnetic strips on the back of our credit cards. We’ll discuss IBM’s first 100 years and how the company is making the world a better place.

Vikram Mansharamani is a Yale economist who examines the booms and busts in the first decade of the 21st Century and posits they can be identified and resolved. We look back at the roller coaster ride over the past decade from his book BoomBustology.

Richard Douthwaite is an economist and writer with a special interest in climate and energy issues and local economic development. He is co-founder of Feasta (the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability) an Irish based economic, social and environmental think tank. We discuss the essays in his latest book Fleeing Vesuvius.

Adam Bryant has been a journalist for more than two decades. He reveals the indispensable and unexpected lessons he learned from CEOs on how to lead and succeed from his book titled, The Corner Office.

Peter Block turns the idea of consulting others—people or businesses—on its ear. He believes the first step to effective change is to be actively engaged in the change process. We discuss his theories from his book Flawless Consulting.