Mariah Bear Bears Many Of The Fun Facts From Her Book Listomania

Mariah Bear, author of LISTOMANIA

Mariah Bear lives in Oakland, California. She is the publisher of How Now Pocket Pals in San Rafael.

She has been a writer and editor for almost 30 years (got first job in publishing as a teenager thanks to my writer dad).

She has developed and edited over 1,000 books on everything from Star Wars to sex positions to entomophagy (how to cook and eat bugs) to world travel to fixing home plumbing.

The titles I’m currently working on as an editor include a Field & Stream guide to guns, a book about the making of Snow White, a guide to extreme survival (fun fact–by the time it’s done, I’ll know how to fight an alligator, survive a tsunami, and kill a man with my bare hands 0.

Mariah has ghostwritten titles pretending to be a crazy cat-loving art critic, a middle-aged African woman, and a hippie philisopher.

The books she’s actually been credited with writing are much more boring (besides Listomania of course!)

Mariah’s visited every continent but Antarctica.

She’s been married to the same bloke for over 20 years, no kids, 5 cats.

Interestingly, and much to Mariah’s horror, she just ran her first marathon.