
Steve Hutkins is on a crusade to save the US Post Office. He contends the Post Office we thought we knew is vitally important to the fabric of American life. We discuss his compelling reasons why we need to Save the Post Office.

Guests include UFOlogist Jaime Maussan, Post Office crusader Steve Hutkins and success coach Christy Whitman.

Larry Harding is the founder & president of High Street Partners—a company that sets up and supports clients in their overseas locations. We discuss the least well known of the BRIC countries—Brazil.

Paul Saffo is a Stanford University professor, a futurist and a forecaster. He tells us why he believes the Summer of 2012 will be filled with unrest.

LinDee Rochelle is an aging Rock & Roll fan that happens to have stumbled on a fun project. She’s the keeper of radio DJ’s stories. We discuss her book Blast From Your Past: Rock & Roll DJs From 1954-1979.

Guests include Paul Saffo predicting a summer of unrest in 2012, LinDee Rochelle talking about music radio from our past and Larry Harding explaining why business with Brazil is our future.