
Michael Farkas is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Car Charging Group, Inc.— a company dedicated to a clean, sustainable environment and an economically strong, energy-independent America. We discuss electric cars and his company’s different models of car chargers.

Trita Parsi presents controversial ideas on US-Iran relations. He’s the president of the National Iranian American Council. We discuss his proposals in his book A Single Roll of the Dice: Obama’s Diplomacy with Iran.

Lisa Lillien is the author of the Hungry Girl series of nutrition books. She’s written the ultimate guide to finding guilt-free foods in the grocery store. We discuss her latest book Hungry Girl Supermarket Survival.

Guests include controversial Iranian foreign policy expert Trita Parsi, Hungry Girl Lisa Lillien and Car Charging Group CEO Michael Farkas.

Susan Cain is the world’s quietest, most thoughtful former corporate lawyer—not at all what you’d expect a corporate lawyer to be. We discuss the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking from her book Quiet.

Freeman Michaels has experienced a release of his own—a weight release. We’ll discuss his powerful new process of weight loss that helped him shed 70 pounds from his book Weight Release A Liberating Journey.