
Kevin & Shawn Coyne are former McKinsey consultants who happen to be brothers. They’ve examined a better approach to breakthrough ideas that doesn’t involve brainstorming and “thinking outside the box” because these outdated approaches just don’t work. We retrain our brains to generate better ideas with the help of their latest book Brainsteering.

Chris Rabb is a fellow at Demos, a non-partisan public policy research and advocacy organization based in New York City. He coined the term “invisible capital” to represent the unseen forces that dramatically impact entrepreneurial viability when a good attitude, a great idea, and hard work simply aren’t enough. We discuss his theory from his book Invisible Capital.

Bill Black is a white-collar criminologist and habitual whistle-blower. His general theory of how dishonest CEOs, crony directors, and corrupt middlemen can systematically defeat market discipline and conceal deliberate fraud for a long time gave him the opportunity to testify before Congress about the latest financial crisis. We discuss his “control theory” from his book The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One.

Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTORMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Tuesday, March 8, 2011. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 10 o’clock am Pacific time.

James Landers has written the history of one of this country’s leading publications of progressive feminine thinking, Cosmopolitan magazine. We discuss The Improbable First Century of Cosmopolitan Magazine to learn the magazine has gone through many iterations before becoming the bastion of female empowerment.

Bill Taylor is a maverick who burst onto the scene several years ago with a manifesto for challenging conventional wisdom and showcasing the power of business at its best. He goes radical in his business thinking in his latest book Practically Radical. We discuss his new business paradigms to transform your company, shake up your industry and challenge yourself.