Janie Hampton is the leading authority on the social history of the Olympic games in London. We discuss the 1948 Olympics based on her book The Austerity Olympics.
Ted Geltner writes about the top sports columnist of his generation—Jim Murray of the Los Angeles Times. We peek behind the curtain to learn of the legendary sports writer’s life and career from his book the Last King of the Sports Page.
Keith Gockenbach “retired” from business to pursue his dream of being a professional golfer. We determine if this is the year for you to go PRO by speaking to the author of Inside, Outside and On The Ropes.
Tommy Hawkins is a former basketball star for Notre Dame and the Los Angeles Lakers. We discuss his basketball career and his latest career as a writer and poet.
Jane Leavy is a failed Little League pitcher turned sports writer. She’s written definitive biographies of two of baseball’s most enigmatic players. We discuss her latest biography of Mickey Mantle, The Last Boy.
Stephen Howard is former college basketball player for DePaul and an ESPN College basketball analyst. We discuss what he’s learned about becoming a pro in business and in life.