
Jerry Teplitz is one of this country’s top sales trainers. He shows us what a good thing selling can be from his latest book Switched on Selling.

Mark Lindsay sang about Good Things, Kicks and Indian Reservations in the 1960s. He is the co-founer and former lead singer of Paul Revere & The Raiders. We talk about music, his career and his upcoming tour with Mark Lindsay.

Dennis Merritt Jones has led the Simi Valley Center for Spiritual Living for the past 23 years. He’s on the leading edge of the Human Potential Movement. We discuss living with uncertainty from his book The Art of Uncertainty.

Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTORMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Friday, June 17, 2011. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 10 o’clock am Pacific time.

Simon Mainwaring is a branding consultant for the digital age who was dismayed at the Me First attitude of many in business before the Great Recession. He blends the need to do good with the need for profits and shows companies how they can do both. We discuss the examples in his book We First.

is a legendary interviewer and someone I admire greatly. He’s sharp, erudite, hip yet easy-going and a fluid convesationalist. Before there was Conan, Letterman, Stewart or Colbert, Dick Cavett set the standard for TV interviewers. We discuss some of the off-screen secrets from his book Talk Show.