
Dr. Joan Borysenko is an expert in spirituality, integrative medicine and mind-body connection. She’s not some woo-woo practitioner. She holds a doctorate in medical science from Harvard Medical School. We discuss burnout and how to recover from it based on her latest book Fried: Why You Burn Out and How to Revive.

Kit Yarrow is widely recognized as the expert on consumer psychology—especially among tweens, teens and 20-somethings. We explore the values young people exhibit in the purchases they make from her book titled Gen buY.

Stephen Prothero is one of this country’s leading authorities on world religions. We discuss the world’s largest 8 religions and why the differences between them matter. He believes to not acknowledge the difference between religions is dangerous and disrespectful. We find out why. His latest book is titled, God is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World–and Why Their Differences Matter

Mark Mueller-Eberstein is a recognized thought leader, speaker, mentor, and coach on business strategy and IP management. We discussed his latest book titled Agility: Competing and Winning in a Tech Savvy Marketplace.