
Ken May is a local computer services company owner, radio show host and author of the book The Boss’s Guide to Smarter IT. We debate whether or not we are better off today than we were 5 years ago because of technology.

Rod Collins is the owner of Wiki-Management, an innovative consulting company that helps forward thinking business leaders successfully manage complex change by leveraging the power of their collective knowledge. He argues for a new management style for the 21st Century from his book Leadership in a Wiki World.

Guests include Rod Collins talking about Leadership in a Wiki world, Ken May and I discuss whether technology has made us better off than we were 5 years ago, and Ralph Morin remembering The Cold War.

Kimberly Alyn has been an entrepreneur and successful business owner since the age of nineteen. As a professional speaker, she tackles topics every person can relate to. We discuss her book Men are Slobs, Women are Neat…and other Gender Lies that Damage Relationships.

Anne Balaban is a human potential trainer with a highly developed capacity to inspire and inform. She delivers an unusual New Year’s Message for 2012, “Don’t bother making resolutions.” We explore the Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions people make this time a year and explain why some are futile and others are just plain dumb.

Jane Leavy is a failed Little League pitcher turned sports writer. She’s written definitive biographies of two of baseball’s most enigmatic players. We discuss her latest biography of Mickey Mantle, The Last Boy.