
Guests include corporate motivational speaker Simon Bailey, professional spokesperson Linda Kruse and face reader and holistic healer Roger Bezanis.

Deborah Swiss specializes in women’s history. She explores an unique aspect of history, the historic journey of Australia’s convict women. We discuss her latest book The Tin Ticket.

Dr. James Huntington is a Ph.D. that proselytizes the end of full employment in the United States and what it means to individuals. We’ll discuss his book Work’s New Age.

John Curran is an Agatha Christie aficionado. He hit the jackpot when he discovered Agatha Christie’s lost notebooks. We discuss 50 years of mysteries by the world’s most popular writer from his book Agatha Christie’s Secret Notebooks.

Guests include John Curran telling of Agatha Christie’s lost notebooks, Deborah Swiss telling the heroic journey of Australia’s convicted women and Dr. James Huntington warning us that full employment will never happen again in the United States.

Siimon Reynolds is a successful businessman and co-founder of Photon Group. He shares how to overcome the 16 obstacles to success from his book Why People Fail.