
Guests include Davy Crockett biographer Michael Wallis, marketeer Kelly McDonald and medical doctor Roger Leir.

Daniel Hannan is a conservative British journalist, an author and a politician who is currently a Member of the European Parliament. We discuss his dire warning to America in his latest book The New Road to Serfdom.

Matt Harrison is the founder and president of the Prometheus Institute—an organization to enhance political engagement for policies that advance freedom. We discuss activism like we see in the Occupy Wall Street movement and DIY Democracy.

Craig Webb is the Executive Director of the DREAMS Foundation. He believes bad dreams and nightmares are a good thing. We find out why as we discuss dreams and their waking life applications.

Guests include: Daniel Hannan from the European Parliament, warning the United States not to follow Europe’s lead, politically; dream interpreter Craig Webb and Matt Harrison of the Prometheus Institute.

Dr. Toni Yancey serves on the board of directors of the Partnership for a Healthier America—the non-profit foundation supporting First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move initiative. She provides an alternative perception of how we can be physically fit 10 minutes at a time from her book Instant Recess.