
Dr. Carol Swain, author of BE THE PEOPLE

Dr. Carol Swain is a professor of law at Vanderbilt University. She wants to awaken American Christians to search for leaders who embrace moral, Christian values and who can make moral policy decisions. We discuss her book Be the People.

Shawn Rae is a multi-talented, Muslim humanitarian. His cross-cultural upbringing makes him uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between Islam and the West. He explains cross-cultural differences and why he believes the onus is on Muslim communities to assimilate into American culture.

Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTORMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Wednesday, September 7, 2011. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 10 o’clock am Pacific time.

Peter Baumann started his career in music and transitioned to create a think tank focusing on a philosophical exploration of well being and quality of life. We discuss his latest book, Ego: The Fall of the Twin Towers and the Rise of an Enlightened Humanity.

This segment is something new—a “call-in” segment. Several listeners have requested this. I open up the mike to let callers express what’s on their mind. We look at all topics you wanted to tackle.

Jim Champy is known throughout the world as the “reengineering guru.” He’s the author of several books on reengineering business practices. He provides new enlightenment about being fast, flawless and frugal delivering products and services from his latest book Deliver.