
Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTORMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Wednesday, February 23, 2011. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 10 o’clock am Pacific time.

Stan Wald and Jerry Misner have taken time to create a revealing documentary about illegal immigration and our porous border with Mexico. Tens of thousands of convicted felons, including murderers and sex offenders, regularly are breaching the United States national boundary along just one section of the shared line with Mexico. We discuss the findings of their documentary, Southern Exposure: Battle for the Border.

Laura Lowell has written the rules for Marketing—42 of them, to be exact. She’s a marketing consultant in the Silicon Valley who helps small businesses achieve maximum exposure at minimal cost. We discuss her 42 Rules of Marketing.

Steven J.J. Weisman is an expert in identifying frauds and scams. Con artists can manipulate every human need and desire. We’ll learn how not to fall victim to these scams. Steven discussed the different frauds and scams today that are nothing more than variations on older scams. They succeed despite the fact we are more educated than ever before. He shared how to protect yourself and avoid these scams.

Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTORMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Tuesday, February 22, 2011. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 10 o’clock am Pacific time.

Carol Ingley communicates the virtues of digital technology to an entire group of technophobes. She helps us open our thinking to new possibilities from digital technology from her book The Digital Mindset.