
Rick Domeier is a popular QVC personality who has turned his attention to writing about second chances of famous—and not-so-famous—people in his latest book Can I Get a Do Over? Unforgettable Stories of Second Chances and Life Makeovers.

Judy Collins burst onto the music scene in the 1960s and has never looked back. She made a positive first impression that led to an extraordinary career as a singer. We discuss her career and her upcoming concert appearance at the Lobero Theater in Santa Barbara.

Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTORMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Monday, February 7, 2011. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 10 o’clock am Pacific time.

Brian Moran has developed a system to achieve maximum results in a short amount of time. He recognized year-long goals had too long a time horizon to be consistently successful—in our attention-deficit society. He shows us how to get a year’s worth of results in three months from his latest book The 12-Week Year.

Chris St. Hilaire is out to change your mind. He’s a message consultant for some of the highest profile cases in America. He shows us the 27 Powers of Persuasion to seduce audiences and win allies.

Blaine Loomer wants to turn the publishing industry on its head. He has a new publishing paradigm that benefits authors, readers and independent bookstore owners. We learn about his newly founded company