
Douglas Rushkoff had a revelation about modern life after being mugged. He discovered that business—and corporations—are the dominant facts of contemporary life. We discuss what’s so terrible about life is becoming more business-like from his latest book, Life, Inc.: How the World Became a Corporation and How to Take It Back

Richard Lustig has won seven lottery game grand prizes for over a million dollars. He teaches us his lottery system of how to play, and win big from his book Learn How To Increase Your Chances of Winning the Lottery.

Ginny Clarke is a former partner at Spencer Stuart, one of the world’s largest senior-level executive search firms. She pursued her own career dreams by founding her own business. She’s written Career Mapping: Finding Your Dream Job—a guide for finding your dream job straight out of college or for making a career move. We discuss using one’s own GPS to find the job of a lifetime.

Bruce Reynolds is a former 27-year high school head football coach in Delaware who’s made a study of accomplishing the seemingly impossible. We discuss his blueprint for pulling off the Upset in business and in life.

Bill Booher is Executive Vice-President of The Council on Competitiveness, a non-partisan and non-governmental organization that works with CEOs, university presidents and labor leaders to ensure U.S. prosperity. We discuss what it will take to keep the United States competitive in the world marketplace.

Dr. Henry Chesborough is a business school professor at the Haas Business School at UC Berkeley. He tells us how to keep US companies competitive in the global economy by delivering improved choices for customers and better economics for corporations from his latest book, Open Services Innovation.