
Nanci Appleman-Vassil is the leader of APLS Group—a training, consulting, and recruiting firm that specializes in organizational effectiveness. We discuss the 18 Common Mistakes Small Business Owners make.

Ken Winans is the CEO of Winans International. He recapped January 2011 in the financial markets for us and explained the January Effect.

Peter Goldenn is an award-winning journalist who has interviewed, among others, Presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Bush; Secretaries of State Kissinger, Haig, and Shultz; and Israeli Prime Ministers Shamir, Peres, and Rabin, and Soviet leader Mikhel Gorbochev. Few understand Cold Warriors better than he. We discuss his latest novel Comeback Love, and the cultural changes for women that happened during the Cold War era.

Ken Ventura looks at men—as a species—and offers advice to women on what to look for in a man. This may be particularly valuable to you if you’re a woman heading out to the singles scene this weekend. His latest book is titled Man vs. Boy.

Philip Margo is one of the founding members of the 1960s singing group, The Tokens. He’s turned his attention away from music and has written a new novel. We discuss his book, Null Quotient, with him.

Richard Greene is America’s answer to The King’s Speech. He’s considered one of the world’s leading communications coaches. We discuss speeches that shook the world.