
Kris Carr was diagnosed with a vascular cancer in the lining of the blood vessels in her liver and lungs so rare that only 0.01 percent of the cancer population has it. We discussed the lifestyle changes she made to be a cancer survivor from her latest book titled Crazy, Sexy Diet.

Kyle Hillman is a Social Media Political Consultant, Community Organizer, Policy Debater, Techie, Event Planner, Coffee Addict, Problem Solver and Actor, who discusses social media how to brand yourself not just business.

Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTORMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Tuesday, January 18, 2011. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 10 o’clock am Pacific time.

Jeffrey Hollender is a businessman who calls himself the Chief Inspired Protagonist of Seventh Generation Inc.—the country’s largest distributor of non-toxic, all-natural cleaning, paper and personal care products. We discuss How the Next Generation of Businesses Will Win from as described in his book, The Responsibility Revolution.

Ibrahim Abdul-Matin is dedicated to the environment, and shares with us What Islam Teaches About Protecting the Planet from his latest book, Green Deen. Islam teaches not to waste in all areas of life, including four areas where Islam is particularly responsible: “waste, watts (energy), water, and food.”

Seth Eisenberg is s President and CEO of PAIRS Foundation—an organization designed to strengthen families, couple relationships, and improve the well-being of children and adolescents. We discussed the surefire signs you’re about to be dumped in a relationship.