
Jackie Lapin is a leading authority in the Consciousness and Transformational world. She gives us daily techniques to manifest our dreams from her latest book Practical Conscious Creation.

Ronald Scott is the definitive biographer of GOP Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney. He gives us a balanced overview of Romney’s life and career from his book Mitt Romney: An Inside Look At The Man and His Politics.

Bill Bratton is the former Los Angeles Police Chief turned consultant. We discuss reaching across boundaries in a networked world to succeed from his book Collaborate or Perish!

Guests include former LA Police Chief Bill Bratton, Mitt Romney biographer Ronald Scott and mind-body-spirit author Jackie Lapin.

Vonda White came from humble beginnings in an verbally abusive home to reach the pinnacle of success in her field. She shares her secrets of changing your life from her book, Success Against The Odds.

Phaedra Marriott-Olsen’s life was suddenly changed forever when an impaired driver hit her head-on in an automobile crash leaving her paralyzed. We discuss overcoming adversity as she did by “Crashing into Destiny.”