
Gina Amaro Rudan created an alternative perception about being a genius. She concludes we’re all geniuses. We discuss how to unleash that genius from her book Practical Genius.

Mike Wittenstein knows that changing the customer’s perception with a positive customer experience in retailing separates the great retailers from the also-rans. We examine how Apple revolutionized retailing and the positive impact that change had on Apple’s performance and on other retailers.

Gina Amaro Rudan revealing our Practical Genius, Dr. Toni Yancy of the Partnership for a Healthier America discusses fitness 10 minutes at a time and Mike Wittenstein explaining Apple’s retail success.

T.J. Walker is the Managing Editor of The Daily National, a multimedia news & opinion site that features original TV and radio interviews and commentary with experts and news makers. We discuss Herman Cain’s presidential campaign and the entire GOP Presidential hopeful field.

This segment is a “call-in” segment. I open up the mike to let callers express what’s on their mind. We look at all topics you wanted to tackle.

Margaret Kunstler is the widow of William Kunstler—the self-described “radical lawyer” and civil rights activist. She explains the Occupy Wall Street movement and defend American’s right to dissent in 21st Century America.