
Guests include trailblazing ophthalmologist Paul Dougherty, immigration attorney Danny Quintana, optimist Steven Kotler, Dan Ariely telling the truth about dishonesty, Edward Hess explaining the physics of business growth and Peter Ferrera predicting a 2013 recession.

Jason Hodge, candidate for California’s State Senate is interviewed exclusively on KADY-TV.

Al Goldberg, candidate for California’s 26th District to the US House of Representatives, interviewed exclusively on KADY-TV.

Jess Herrera, candidate for California’s 26th District to the US House of Representatives interviewed exclusively on KADY-TV.

Linda Parks, candidate for California’s 26th District to the US House of Representatives interviewed exclusively on KADY-TV.

Julia Brownley, candidate for California’s 26th District to the US House of Representatives interviewed exclusively on KADY-TV.