
Guests include both candidates for Superior Court judge: Harry Walsh and Brad Bjelke; local attorney Bob McCord speaking about Safe Boating Week; Grant Cardone explaining success and failure; William Bertram MacFarland talking about his tenure as Assistant to John F. Kennedy and Bruce Pasiecki explaining the new way to wealth.

Top morning show hosts Rico & Mambo from Q104.7 talk about their careers in radio. This is the first in-depth interview the duo has done in years.

As I struggle to negotiate with Gold Coast Broadcasting to return to radio, the phrase, “Keep Calm And Carry On” from World War II resonates with me. Funny how a forgotten phrase from 1940 universally applies today.

Bill Watkins, California Lutheran University’s Center for Economic Research and Forecasting Director, answers in-depth questions about his 2012 Ventura County economic forecast.

Prior to the California Lutheran University Center for Economic Research and Forecasting 2012 forecast, I spoke to several dignitaries attending the event including Ed Summers, CEO of the Ventura Chamber of Commerce; Cheryl Heitmann, Deputy Mayor of Ventura; Mary Ann Rooney, Oxnard Harbor Commissioner; and Kristin Decas, CEO of the Oxnard Harbor.

Jason Hodge, candidate for California’s State Senate is interviewed exclusively on KADY-TV.