
Adina Nack Discusses Gardasil, HPV And Gov. Rick Perry’s Controversial Decision To Vaccinate Texas Schoolgirls

Dr. Adina Nack, CLU Professor and author of DAMAGED GOODS

Dr. Adina Nack is an associate professor of sociology and is the Founding Director of CLU’s Center for Equality & Justice; she has also served as the Director of CLU’s Gender & Women’s Studies Program and Chair of the Sociology Department.

She is a medical sociologist whose research has focused on sexual health, social psychology, social inequality, gender, and sexuality.

Adina authored a book, titled Damaged Goods, on women living with genital herpes and HPV infections published by Temple University Press in 2008.

A proponent of community-based action research, Adina was a Co-Principal Investigator for Ventura County’s two recent studies of Latinos/as receiving HIV/AIDS services (funded by the California State Office of AIDS).

A member of the HIV/AIDS Coalition of Ventura County since 2003, Adina chairs the county’s World AIDS Day Committee.

Adina received her Ph.D. from the University of Colorado, Boulder and joined CLU in 2003, after having been faculty at the University of Maine.