Don Tapscott is an international expert on the strategic impact of information technology on innovation, marketing and talent. He discusses macro changes in business that will rebook business around the world from his latest book MacroWikinomics.
Jim Moorhead is a crisis management expert and attorney. He explains what changes we can expect to see in business as a result of WikiLeaks.
Kit Yarrow is widely recognized as the expert on consumer psychology—especially among tweens, teens and 20-somethings. We explore the values young people exhibit in the purchases they make from her book titled Gen buY.
Mark Mueller-Eberstein is a recognized thought leader, speaker, mentor, and coach on business strategy and IP management. We discussed his latest book titled Agility: Competing and Winning in a Tech Savvy Marketplace.
John Tschohl has been helping companies develop a “service culture” for the past 28 years. He shows firms how to crush the competition through customer service. We discuss the decline in customer service in this country and what we can do about it from his latest book titled Empowerment: A Way of Life.
Russell Bishop is a successful businessman and consultant. He helps individuals and companies create unparalleled success. He’s the master of workarounds that keep you moving forward—in work and life. We discuss his latest book, Workarounds that Work.