Dr. Mardy Grothe explains the things you should never do, never say or never forget from his latest book Neverisms.

T.L. Keller is rocket scientist who’s interested in space exploration and extra terrestrial intelligence. We discuss his findings from extensive interviews with qualified people who claim to have seen UFOs to determine whether UFOs are real or not contained in his book The Total Novice’s Guide to UFOs:
What You Need to Know

Gini Graham Scott is a Renaissance woman who practices law, writes books and songs, creates games and facilitates workshops. We examine the changes in privacy Americans have experienced since 9/11 and what the implications of these changes will be.

Tim Belton is an ordinary citizen who turned his talents towards helping our returning combat veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. He’s invented a tool to help these vets take command of their feelings and find solutions available to them upon returning to the United States. We discuss his invention, The AnswerRing, and what it can do to help our veterans.

Michael Shermer is a noted skeptic and researcher. He debunks widely held beliefs from Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies. We discuss the findings in his latest book, The Believing Brain.

MItchell Zuckoff tells a true story of survival, adventure, and the most incredible rescue mission of World War II from his book Lost in Shangri-La.