T.J. Walker is the Managing Editor of The Daily National, a multimedia news & opinion site that features original TV and radio interviews and commentary with experts and news makers. We discuss Herman Cain’s presidential campaign and the entire GOP Presidential hopeful field.

Margaret Kunstler is the widow of William Kunstler—the self-described “radical lawyer” and civil rights activist. She explains the Occupy Wall Street movement and defend American’s right to dissent in 21st Century America.

Scott Rasmussen is a political pollster with an uncanny record for accuracy. He’s examined the recent Populist movement in America and has written about it in his book Mad As Hell: How the Tea Party Movement Is Fundamentally Remaking Our Two-Party System. We review his findings.

Malcolm Out Loud calls himself a “brink thinker.” He’s a radio and TV personality who delivers the ultimate jolt of energy. We discuss the dysfunctional state of American politics.

Mike Lee is the youngest serving US Senator currently serving. He’s the Republican Senator from Utah. We examine the need for a Balanced Budget Amendment from his book The Freedom Agenda.

Jeff Thredgold is an economist and a futurist—combining the most pessimistic and optimistic professions known. He cuts through the rhetoric and vitriol to explain how the Debt Ceiling negotiations have already impacted the United States and how it may impact it in the future.