Brett McMahon is an advocate with, a group that believes there is too much government regulation in the free markets. He’s concerned what the Budget Deficit Ceiling Increase negotiations may bring in the form of higher taxes and/or increased regulation. We discuss his recent testimony before the National Labor Relations Board.

Ralph Nader is revered by some—vilified by others. Nonetheless, he has earned a reputation for outspoken, public service. He believes President Obama is acting cowardly by bypassing Elizabeth Warren to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. We discuss why.

Mike Tracy is deputy Mayor of Ventura, CA. We discuss Ventura’s downtown parking meter situation, building codes and procedures and amnesty for Granny Flats.

Rick Robinson is a former Capitol Hill staffer who has a unique perspective on the inner workings in Washington, DC. We uncover his perspective on the Anthony Weiner resignation as well as talk about what really happens behind closed doors in Washington.

Bob Brill is a news anchor with a global perspective. He’s also a published author of a book, Patti Waggin’: Fan Letters to a Stripper. We discuss President Barack Obama’s pro-Muslim foreign policy and its impact on America.

Brad Bannon is a political pundit and strategist for the Democratic Party. We discuss the latest employment figures and what effects they may have on the 2012 Presidential election.