Dr. Charles Dunn is the dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA. We reviewed the top political stories of 2010. Chuck has a unique perspective of American politics, religion and Capitol Hill. He is known as one of the foremost scholars in the field of American politics and religion.

Sol Erdman believes our current political system is broken. Our politicians talk around the hard issues but never seem to address them—partly because of partisan politics. He offers some solutions to the impasse.

Amy Handlin is Deputy Minority Leader of the New Jersey General Assembly, where she is serving her third term. Handlin has spent over 20 years in politics at every level of government. She teaches us how to be our own lobbyist.

Jack Trout is a marketing guru, but we don’t talk about marketing. He’s on the show to discuss what he sees wrong in America and how we can return our country to the integrity it once had.

Jonathan Showe is one of the most traveled people to Cuba. He’s traveled to Cuba more than seventy times since 1998. We discuss the United States’ 50-year embargo of Cuba to determine if the embargo still makes sense in the 21st Century.

Mark Weisbrot argues that the Federal Reserve’s role should not change. Currently, the Fed is charged with controlling monetary policy and employment. Republicans in Congress argue that the Fed’s role should change to controlling monetary policy only. We discuss both sides.