Jordan Goodman Provides Numerous Ways To Slash Payments From His Book Master Your Debt
Jordan Goodman, author of MASTER YOUR DEBT
Jordan Goodman is a nationally recognized expert on personal finance. He wrote and reported for Money Magazine for 18 years and also served as a weekly commentator of NBC News at Sunrise and was daily commentator for Mutual Broadcasting System’s America in the Morning.
Today he appears regularly on many national and local radio and television programs including CNN, Fox News Network, Fox Business Network, CNBC, and CBS News. He is also founder of the popular personal finance web site
His latest book, Master Your Debt, reveals and explains dozens of new programs and tools that consumers can use right now to get control over their mortgage and credit card debts and regain their financial freedom.
Here is a link to Jordan’s Money Answers show on VoiceAmerica Business Network.
Here are the phone numbers and websites Jordan mentioned during the show:
Student loans: consolidation at or 855-460-3543 and settlement at and 855-533-2860
Mortgage equity optimization at
Credit cards and reports: for better credit cards and for monitoring credit at and for nonprofit credit counseling at Cambridge Credit Counseling at 800-897-2200
Jordan’s website which has a lot of these resources is