Joseph McClendon III Teaches How To Be Happy In 10 Minutes From His Book Get Happy Now!
Joseph McClendon III, author of GET HAPPY NOW!
Joseph McClendon III is a global leader in the peak performance field.
His company, Pro-Sequences Research Group, is a leading peak performance coaching organization that works with leaders in the political, entertainment, and business communities.
As an instructor at the University of California (UCLA), Joseph taught re-engineering, leadership, management, and advanced communication courses for the Engineering and Management Extension program.
He holds a doctorate in neuropsychology and several certifications in the neurosciences, and is an expert in life transformation by assisting others in overcoming fears, phobias, and emotional challenges.
He has taught more than three million people worldwide.
Joseph has authored two books with world-famous peak performance coach Anthony Robbins.
His story and messages have been featured in national magazines, including O Magazine, SUCCESS, and Success from Home.
He lives in Southern California with his wife and son, Joseph McClendon IV.