Bobby Collins is a professional stand-up comedian who performs more than 200 nights per year. We’ll discuss his life in comedy and talk about his upcoming performances in Ventura.

Joel Borshof is a currency trader in New York. The US Dollar is gaining strength because of events unfolding in Greece. We analyze the currency flows around the world and speculate what this might mean for the US Dollar and other world currencies.

Joyce Keller has been honored in Simon & Schuster’s, “Top 100 Psychics in America,” “Who’s Who in America,” “Who’s Who in the World” and “Who’s Who in Television. We discuss ways to communicate with departed loved ones from her latest book Seven Steps To Heaven.

Michael Carrier is a law professor who wants to protect freedom of speech on the Internet. We examine two laws before Congress—SOPA and PIPA—that could destroy the Internet as we know it, threatening advertisers, credit card companies, search engines and innovators.

Guests include comedian Bobby Collins, psychic Joyce Keller, foreign exchange trader Joel Borshof and law professor Michael Carrier.

Betsy Kruger is the leader of Strategic Power—a marketing consultancy. We discuss how to triple or quadruple profit from customers using the 80/20 Rule contained in her book Top Marketing Strategy.