Lori Andrews is a law professor, a public interest lawyer and mystery novelist. We discuss how individuals’ rights are being violated by social networks and the Web and the need for a Constitution

Bill Allison is the Editorial Director of the Sunlight Foundation— a non-profit covering influence in politics. We discuss the impact of Super PACs on American politics.

Guests include the Sunlight Foundation’s Bill Allison talking about Super PACs, attorney Lori Andrews lamenting the death of privacy and Dr. Betsy Kruger differentiating between profitable and unprofitable customers.

Jackie Lapin is a leading authority in the Consciousness and Transformational world. She gives us daily techniques to manifest our dreams from her latest book Practical Conscious Creation.

Ronald Scott is the definitive biographer of GOP Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney. He gives us a balanced overview of Romney’s life and career from his book Mitt Romney: An Inside Look At The Man and His Politics.

Bill Bratton is the former Los Angeles Police Chief turned consultant. We discuss reaching across boundaries in a networked world to succeed from his book Collaborate or Perish!