
Ruth Houston is one of this country’s leading authorities on infidelity. She gives us the clues whether our mate is being unfaithful from her book Is He Cheating On You? 829 Telltale Signs.

Guests include Ruth Houston on Infidelity, Jennifer Abernethy on social media marketing and Nina Amir on achieving our full potential.

Mark Johnson is the CEO of Loyalty 360. He helps us understand the 3 layers of customer loyalty to drive loyalty and retention.

Doug Halter is a former candidate for the Ventura City Council and political gadfly. We handicap the upcoming Ventura City Council elections.

Kathryn Heath is a founding partner at a consulting firm dedicated to unblocking women’s paths to power and helping organizations move forward. We discuss her latest book Break Your Own Rules.

Guests will be Kathryn Heath instructing women to change their patterns of thinking, Doug Halter handicapping the 2011 Ventura City Council elections and Mark Johnson defining the new customer satisfaction metrics for the 21st Century