
Joel Goldhar is a professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology’s Stuart School of Business. We discuss Apple’s future after Steve Jobs.

Guests include Brian Lee Rencher running for Ventura City Council, Tom Oser talking about the leadership gap and Joel Goldhar explaining Apple without Steve Jobs.

Mike Wittenstein knows that changing the customer’s perception with a positive customer experience in retailing separates the great retailers from the also-rans. We examine how Apple revolutionized retailing and the positive impact that change had on Apple’s performance and on other retailers.

Gina Amaro Rudan revealing our Practical Genius, Dr. Toni Yancy of the Partnership for a Healthier America discusses fitness 10 minutes at a time and Mike Wittenstein explaining Apple’s retail success.

Gary Rosenzweig is an Internet entrepreneur, video podcast host, Flash/Action Script guru and computer book author—including books on Apple’s Macintosh. We discuss the legacy Steve Jobs leaves behind from his years at the helm of Apple.

Guests include virtuous corporate executive Dov Seidman, Apple aficionado Gary Rosenzweig discussing Steve Jobs’ impact, and commercial pilot Ace Abbott taking us through the back alleys of aviation.