
So much of our country’s attention has been focused on domestic policy since the Great Recession of 2007-2009 that foreign policy has taken a backseat to the recovery and the implementation of Obamacare.

Yet, it may be foreign policy that defines the success, or failure, of President Obama’s Administration.

The US response to events such as The Arab Spring, the nuclear buildup in Iran, Syria’s repressive regime, US-Russian relations, alleged NSA surveillance of Germany and Great Britain and Sino-American relations will have profound effects on the United States’ relationship with the rest of the world that last long after the memory of the Great Recession has been forgotten.

Bruce Herschensohn joins me to discuss how US foreign policy may be abandoning our allies around the world.

Guests include Ventura Fire Chief Don McPherson; former UK Ambassador to Libya, Oliver Miles; Chester Finn from Stanford University; top social forecaster Patricia Aburdene; Jeff Solomon president of the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies; and Andrew Erlich biographer of Jack Earle, the world’s tallest man.