
Rick Lepsinger is an expert on getting things right. He’s a business execution expert. We discussed six companies that failed to execute in 2010 and two that did. e

Edmund Morris is a leading biographer of presidents Ronald Reagan and Theodore Roosevelt. We talked about Theodore Roosevelt’s career after he left the White House.

Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTORMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Wednesday, December 29, 2010. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 10 o’clock am Pacific time.

Kathryn Mullen is the National Advocate for the American Demographic in Fashion and Lifestyle. We discuss women’s self-image and how it’s changed over the years.

Kathryn knows women aged fifty, and up, are not the same women that our moms were in their day. Men and women today are larger than in years past. At the same time, they are “tired of being called fat.”

J.A. Rodriguez is a business ethicist. Before you jump to the conclusion that business ethics is an oxymoron. We discuss whether we’ll see a comeback of business ethics in 2011.

Chris Widener is an expert in leadership, motivation and success. He’ll describe for us the Leadership Rules from his book titled, Leadership Rules: How to Become the Leader You Want to Be.