
Dave Mason is a Rock ‘n’ Roll legend—a founding member of Traffic, solo artist and active philanthropist for music to children. We review his career and catch up on what he’s doing today.

Cindy Cash is the daughter of a music legend, Johnny Cash. We discuss her legendary father, and the upcoming 3rd Annual Johnny Cash Festival in Ventura.

Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTORMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Tuesday, June 14, 2011. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 10 o’clock am Pacific time.

Vikram Mansharamani is a Yale economist who examines the booms and busts in the first decade of the 21st Century and posits they can be identified and resolved. We look back at the roller coaster ride over the past decade from his book BoomBustology.

Daphna Edwards Ziman tackles an ugly side of humanity. She exposes the unseemly side of the foster care system and what can happen to children who are extremely at-risk. We blow open the extreme downsides of foster care from her book The Gray Zone.

Rebecca Gladding is a doctor who helps us battle our crimes against ourselves. She views anxiety as the key to a 4-step solution for changing bad habits and ending unhealthy thinking. We explore her thesis from her book You Are Not Your Brain.