
Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTOMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Thursday, September 23, 2010. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 10 o’clock am Pacific time.

Mike Tracy, Ventura’s Deputy Mayor, talked about parking meters, trash bags and the 3rd quarter priorities.

Dr. Chika Onyeani, Chairman of the Celebrate Africa Foundation

Dr. Chika Onyeani—diplomat, publisher, author and Chairman of the Celebrate Africa Foundation speaks out against stereotyping of “black Africa.” He believes that terms like, “Sub-Sahara Africa” are pejorative. He urges Americans to think of Africa as one continent with 42 different nations.

Chris Hillman of The Byrds returns to his roots in folk/country rock with the release of his latest CD At Edwards Barn.

Spook-buster, Trevor Paglen, author of Blank Spots On The Map: The Dark Geography of the Pentagon’s Secret World and Invisible shares his methodology for finding the secret, Black Ops bases around the world.

Anyone who grew up in the 70s, as I did, remembers the sitcom The Partridge Family starring Shirley Jones as the “hip, edgy” Mom we all wish we had. Shirley Jones joined me to discuss her wonderful career in film, on stage and on TV.