
Kathleen Reardon helps us improve our communication skills. Have you ever walked away from a confrontation only to think of the perfect rejoinder an hour later?

We all have.

Kathleen teaches us how to be better prepared when those critical confrontations arise.

Donny Cacamise and Stephen Joyce help us improve our well-being by getting us ready for the holidays. With Thanksgiving and Christmas around the corner, it’s family and holiday travel. Donny and Stephen told us where to go and how to get there safely.

Dan Schawbel is the New York Times’ personal branding guru. Fast Company calls him a “personal branding force of nature.” He tells us how to improve our career, or job search, by better personal branding.

Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTOMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Friday, November 4, 2010. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 10 o’clock am Pacific time.

Dr. Steven Porter unravels the confusing—and disillusioning—facts behind education reform. The United States ranks 18th in education among the 36 industrialized nations. He addresses what can be done to improve our education system.

John Schaefer examines job satisfaction for non-Executives to answer the question, “How happy are you at work?” Most people will answer, “not happy at all,” according to John.