
My guests will be Warren Phillips talking about his time at The Wall Street Journal, Jeff Pearlman giving the definitive biography of Walter Payton and Ken Ballen giving a glimpse into the real lives of Islamic radicals.

Matt Bailey has over 15 years in Internet marketing. After starting one successful business and working for others, he founded his own website marketing company. He teaches us how to market our businesses in 1 hour per day or less.

Amy Hanlin is a politician from NJ who believes there is too much Crony Capitalism in politics today. She discusses how to identify and prevent crony capitalism in Ventura County.

Guests will be Dr. John Gray explain hormonal imbalance, Amy Hanlin exposing Crony Capitalists and Matt Bailey revealing Internet Marketing secrets.

Michael Learned has what it takes to succeed in the field of acting. A 4-time Emmy Award winning actress, she landed her first Emmy Award winning role on The Waltons on her first audition in Los Angeles. We discuss her latest role in daytime drama on The Young and the Restless. She also tell us about her latest stage role in Southern Comforts at the Falcon Theater.

Bill Boggs is an author, a 4-time Emmy Award winner, a motivational speaker and a TV host. He reveals how successful people he’s interviewed made it to the top from his book Got What It Takes?