
Roger Rickard is uniquely qualified to be the Chief Advocate of Revent LLC and Founder of Voices in Advocacy. We get his slant on the 7 actions for highly effective advocates.

Ken Cozzens is a challenger for the Ventura City Council. He is a long-time Ventura native. We discuss the challenges he sees facing Ventura and his platform to address those challenges.

Carl Morehouse kicks off our coverage of the Ventura City Council race. He’s one of two incumbents running for re-election. We discuss the challenges he sees facing Ventura and his platform to address those challenges.

Guests include Carl Morehead and Ken Cozzens, two candidates for the Ventura City Council and Roger Rickard.

Michael Wallis is the biographer of one of America’s great pioneers—Davy Crockett. We get to know the man behind the legend from his book David Crocket: The Lion of the West.

Kelly McDonald is a marketing expert who knows how to pioneer new markets for clients. We discuss her techniques contained in her book How to Market to People Not Like You.