
Irene McDermott is a research librarian and master detective on the Internet. She reveals some secret sources on the Internet that can help in our everyday lives from her book The Internet Book of Life.

Bill Wagner is an expert in entrepreneurship having worked with entrepreneurs for 20 years. We uncover the secrets to financial independence from his latest book The Entrepreneur Next Door.

Guests include Bill Wagner author of The Entrepreneur Next Door; Irene McDermott author of The Internet Book of Life; and Cynthia Glickman author of Daughter of a Porn King.

Peter Bregman is one of the country’s top leadership coaches to corporate CEOs. He’s distilled his knowledge on concentration and execution into a simple system. We discuss that system in his book 18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done.

Adina Nack is a professor at Cal Lutheran University. She’s a medical sociologist whose research has focused on sexual health. We investigate Gov. Rick Perry’s controversial decision to vaccinate Texas schoolgirls with Gardasi., and explain what the decision means for those girls and their parents.

Scott Rasmussen is a political pollster with an uncanny record for accuracy. He’s examined the recent Populist movement in America and has written about it in his book Mad As Hell: How the Tea Party Movement Is Fundamentally Remaking Our Two-Party System. We review his findings.