
Jim Hunt provides insight into a culprit in America’s most seminal event in the past 40 years. It’s the 40th anniversary of the Watergate break-in, and my next guest will give us perspective on Frank Sturgis, one of the convicted criminals who broke in. We discuss the fascinating—and controversial—life of Frank Sturgis from his book Warrior.

Doug Waller is a journalist who has worked for Time and Newsweek covering the Pentagon, State Department and CIA. He’s written a book about one of the most colorful characters in World War II history. We discuss his latest book Wild Bill Donovan.

Brad Bannon, CEO of Bannon Communications Research, analyzes the choices President Obama has to replace Rahm Emanuel as White House Chief-of-Staff.

Matthew Cossolotto gives an impassioned and cogent argument for expanding the number of Representatives in the House of Representatives.