
Jeffrey Davis describes how amazing entrepreneurs succeed in tough times from his book The 24-Hour Turnaround.

Michael Carrier is a law professor who wants to protect entrepreneurs’ rights on the Internet. We examine a law before Congress that could destroy the Internet as we know it, threatening advertisers, credit card companies, search engines and innovators.

Susan Schreter embraces entrepreneurs and what they can do for our economy. She’s examined an emerging type of entrepreneur, social– or citizen–sector entrepreneurs. We review how this new breed of entrepreneur may save our flagging economy.

Robert Jordan guest goes public with the billion dollar ideas he discovered lurking in the minds of Middle American business people. We discuss what he learned from his book, How They Did It: Billion Dollar Insights from the Heart of America.

Gayle Tzemach Lemmon first-hand experience in Afghanistan as a reporter for ABC News. She’s an expert on women’s economic development in war torn regions. We discuss the US involvement in Afghanistan, Afghanistan’s future and cultural changes going on there because of women entrepreneurs from her book The Dressmaker of Khair Khana.