
John Curran is an Agatha Christie aficionado. He hit the jackpot when he discovered Agatha Christie’s lost notebooks. We discuss 50 years of mysteries by the world’s most popular writer from his book Agatha Christie’s Secret Notebooks.

Guests include John Curran telling of Agatha Christie’s lost notebooks, Deborah Swiss telling the heroic journey of Australia’s convicted women and Dr. James Huntington warning us that full employment will never happen again in the United States.

Siimon Reynolds is a successful businessman and co-founder of Photon Group. He shares how to overcome the 16 obstacles to success from his book Why People Fail.

Steven Johnson is named by Newsweekas one of the 50 People Who Matter Most on the Internet. He is a thinker, a writer, and a columnist. He gives us the recipe to be more innovative from his book The Innovator’s Cookbook.

Fred Branfman is best known for exposing the secret Loatian bombings during the Vietnam War. We get more contemporary as we discuss his evaluation of CIA Director David Petraeus from his in-depth investigation titled The Petraeus Projection.

Guests will be noted anti-war activist and Santa Barbara resident Fred Branfman, Stephen Johnson teaching us how to cook up innovation and Siimon Reynolds helping us overcome obstacles to our success.