
Bill George is a former CEO of Medtronic turned college professor. We discuss personal and leadership development from his latest book True North Groups.

Thomas DeLong is a Harvard Business School professor dedicated to helping high achievement individuals turn the fear of change into the fuel for success. We discuss his methods from his book Flying Without a Net.

Pankaj Ghemawat is the youngest “guru” included in the guide to the greatest management thinkers of all time published by The Economist in 2008. He has empirical data that globalization is not bad and he explains that the world has farther to go when it comes to globalization from his book World 3.0.

Jeffrey Cohn asks the age-old question, “Why Are We Bad At Picking Good Leaders?” He’s looked at the hundreds of attributes of a leader to determine which ones are the most reliable predictors of good leadership. Just in time for the 2012 elections, we discuss a better way to evaluate leadership potential from his book Why Are We Bad At Picking Good Leaders?

Gayle Tzemach Lemmon first-hand experience in Afghanistan as a reporter for ABC News. She’s an expert on women’s economic development in war torn regions. We discuss the US involvement in Afghanistan, Afghanistan’s future and cultural changes going on there because of women entrepreneurs from her book The Dressmaker of Khair Khana.

Stever Robbins is a time management expert, executive coach and serial entrepreneur who has been involved in 10 start-ups. He’s known as the “Get-It-Done” Guy. We talk personal management strategies to help us accomplish more.