
Jeff Coffey,CEO of, explains the emerging importance of Internet video and how it can propel small business forward on the Internet.

Carmine Gallo enlightens us on the growth and innovation strategies of one of America’s most successful innovators, Steve Jobs.

There isn’t a person today that isn’t impacted by one of Steve Job’s products: the Apple II and Macintosh computers, the iPod, iTunes, the iPhone and, now, the iPad. These are insanely great products that have changed the way many of us interact with technology.

These products broke the rules of computing, music, mobile phones and personal productivity. They didn’t happen by themselves, however. They are the result of relentless innovation and a pursuit of perfection.

Stever Robbins is a time management expert, executive coach and serial entrepreneur who has been involved in 10 start-ups. He’s known as the “Get-It-Done” Guy. We talk personal management strategies to help us accomplish more.