
Bad breath expert, Dr. Susanne Cohen, discusses SmartMouth, the revolutionary product from Triumph Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Lisa Lillien, author of the Hungry Girl series of books, discusses her latest book Hungry Girl Happy Hour: 75 Recipes for Amazingly Fantastic Guilt-Free Cocktails and Party Foods

Laura Vanderkam, time expert, shows how we have more time each week than we think.

Andrew Schiff appeared on BRAINSTORMIN’ to talk about his latest book How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes. In it, he explains the growth of an economy using a parable of three men stuck on an island.

Peter Marshall discusses his career on BRAINSTORMIN’. Best known as a game show host, Peter’s passion is singing—especially the standards.

Eric Singer amused me when he used the phrase, “Somali Pirate Time Horizon” to refer to politician’s shortsightedness.