
Guests include Ventura Fire Chief Don McPherson; former UK Ambassador to Libya, Oliver Miles; Chester Finn from Stanford University; top social forecaster Patricia Aburdene; Jeff Solomon president of the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies; and Andrew Erlich biographer of Jack Earle, the world’s tallest man.

Paul Polak revolutionized how to help people lift themselves out of poverty. He developed an ingenious, affordable irrigation system that improved the lives of millions.

He shares with us what works to resolve poverty when traditional approaches fail from his book titled Out of Poverty.

Ken Ballen is the founder and President of a nonprofit organization, which investigates the causes of extremism. He’s interviewed more than a hundred Islamic radicals, asking them probing questions about their inner lives, deepest faith, and what it was that ultimately drove them to jihad. We discuss his findings contained in the book, Terrorists in Love, which opens a fresh window into the realm of violent extremism.

John Kania looks at charitable donors who do more than donate money towards causes. He examines the 6 Practices of Donors Who Change the World and draws some conclusions about philanthropy in the United States.

Curt Weeden is one of the country’s leading authorities on philanthropy and social responsibility. We discuss how businesses should be gearing up to contribute to charities because it’s good for the economy and for business. He shows how Smart Giving Is Good Business.