
Ozzie Zehner believes we’re looking at the energy problem backwards. We don’t have an energy crisis. We have a consumption crisis. We examine his views contained in his book Green Illusions.

Mitchell Bard is the executive director of a non-profit, a foreign policy analyst and a former senior analyst in the polling division of the 1988 Bush campaign. He exposes how American presidents and diplomats have sold out our interests and security to the Arab interests—Saudi Arabia, in particular. We discuss his book The Arab Lobby.

Marshall Berol is an investment advisor with over 20 years experience. He is a value-oriented, Contrarian investor. His mutual fund, Encompass, is the #2 ranked mutual fund by Morningstar overall among all the mutual funds Morningstar tracks. We talk about the volatility in today’s market and the risk government actions pose to the financial markets.

Morten Hansen examines how some companies thrive despite uncertainty, chaos and luck from his latest book titled Great by Choice—co-authored with Jim Collins.